Kat Dennings’ Big Tits Got Married to Andrew W.K. of the Day

I still don’t know who Andrew W.K. is, but there was a time that he was talked about a lot back in the Myspace days. I knew party girls who were all about Andrew W.K. because he was a somebody.

Now he’s a somebody who married a set of fat tits from 2 Broke Girls that you perverts seem to fucking love, despite her being a little on the The plus sized.

The good news for the actress is that Southwest Airlines is leading the charge on offering fat people an extra seat for free, which no one seems to think is discriminatory to the skinny people who would also appreciate a second seat for free, just because they didn’t eat their ass to be too big for one seat, they miss out on the bonus prize for being fat.

So she’ll be nice and comfortable on her Honeymoon flight, if she flies Southwest, but then again, they are rich and famous people, so they’ll probably be flying private, where the fat tits have more than just an extra seat to hang out on….

Here are some of the wedding pics to break the hearts of the Kat Dennings Fan Boy weirdos who I know are out there.

Kat Dennings’ Big Tits Got Married to Andrew W.K. of the Day December 14th, 2023