Liz Hurley’s Tits Out for the Near Dead DSL Lubrication of the Day

I’m not saying that Liz Hurley has dick sucking lips, but from where I am sitting all girls have dick sucking lips, so long as their mouths haven’t been sewn shut, even if they’ve got no lips, you know like they’ve been attacked by a pitbull as a child or they’ve been in a raging fire that required 100s of surgeries, or they’ve had acid thrown on them. We will find a way to make it work.

I am calling her lips Dick Sucking Lips because I assume they’ve sucked enough dick to have cold sores, and that her make-up artist is applying a thick layer of make-up to cover the battle wounds. It’s not easy for a girl in the 90s to make it in America as a top model, big tits aren’t enough because there were many big tits willing to kill for her career.

The reality is that this is more like a mortician applying the make-up to her lips to give her corpse some realistic life to it, because she’s 100 fucking years old.

She has managed to keep herself strategically youthful, because I saw this picture of her in 2004 and her face looks a little more like a normal aging 50 year old, so at 60 something, looking more taught means just one thing….LIES….

Through it all she’s still had the big model tits, that she’s used as ammo to get what she wants and I guess she realizes the big tits have distracted the people all these years, her face is irrelevant even though she won’t let it go natural old lady, we’re here for the tits. So pull out the tits grandma.

Liz Hurley’s Tits Out for the Near Dead DSL Lubrication of the Day December 18th, 2023