Millie Bobby Brown’s Nipples Make Hot Chocolate of the Day

I am one of those assholes they complain about who judge women based on their looks, because I’m not in a position to bother learning enough about them to judge them based on their intelligence, personality, accomplishments, sense of humor…seems like a lot of work for a motherfucker looking at celebrities who make a living being front facing puppets, shapeshifting their way through different characters at various levels of believable, or at various levels of just playing themselves with a cheap fucking accent or prop to convince us it’s not them playing themselves….

So yeah, I judge celebrities based on their dog faces, their shitty tits, their gunts, their boxy bodies, their saggy arms…..and all celebrities seem to not really care as they still try to sell themselves or their direct to consumer merchandise to us.

Millie Bobby Brown is braless, making Hot Chocolate that is part of her direct to consumer brand she pushes, her tits are pretty trash, her face pretty ugly and to someone who isn’t a Stranger Things viewer or a pervert into teens on TV that are no longer teens but still on TV, she’s pretty fucking trash….definitely not worth what they are paying her to be in movies or on TV…send her to the COMMUNITY theater where she belongs with the other gross losers with a dream of being thespians..

Millie Bobby Brown’s Nipples Make Hot Chocolate of the Day December 20th, 2023