The Corpse of Madonna Reanimated for Christmas of the Day

Madonna is a terrifying creature, who likes to position herself as some high priestess in the illuminati or some shit, which you can either buy into a believe, or assume is just something she says for attention because despite her attempts to stay hot at 65.

She has been denying the whole retiring gracefully as the old weathered and dried up cooch that she is, instead she’s pretending she’s still the hot enough because she’s slutty, masturbating on stage as a popstar in the 90s being controversial and offending Christians with her blasphemous messaging….

That doesn’t mean that she’s hot, that she’s not vile and disgusting or that she doesn’t look like a bloated corpse being pulled out of the fucking river after a few weeks of rot. That doesn’t mean her filler and botox that has turned her into a weird looking clown you’d expect to see in a Batman movie does enough work to cover up the scent of the rot.

We can tell the pussy is a toxic wasteland that smells like that dead mouse in your basement a few weeks too late….even through her weirdly staged and photoshopped photos.

She’s a monster, some kind Frankenstein hybrid zombie wax figure that has melted weirdly pile of rotting twat.

The Corpse of Madonna Reanimated for Christmas of the Day December 21st, 2023