Halle Berry’s Shitty Lingerie Photo of the Day

This is the important hard hitting news that we all need, especially when it comes to half naked celebrity dinosaurs like Halle Berry, who we don’t actually care about anymore because of the whole menopause thing but that they want us to care about so they post lingerie pics on the social media for clicks and views since they’re all on the same whore hustle. Why bother being clever when you can just show some skin for views, no matter how high profile you are.

Anyway, the story is going viral because on December 17th Halle Berry posted her in lingerie in some outdoor setting, like some kind of exhibitionist you’d find on reddit trying to get clout in her onlyfans hustle. You know, the kind of girls I am angry I never come across in public, because I know they are sneakily producing their porn out there.

As it turns out, there’s a pile of shit next to her foot, which I guess went unnoticed by most because they were zooming in on her tits, or they were assuming it was just a rock or some other gift of nature, but the nerds of the internet realized that it was shit.

I am not sure if it’s animal shit or human shit, maybe it’s even Halle Berry shit, but it’s shit and that makes her lingerie in public post a little more entertaining, creative, funny….

Now I know what some of you are thinking, that she uses feces to smear on her body to get her as brown as she can to exploit the fact that her father was black, allowing her to steal all the black jobs in racist Hollywood from full black people, because the producers are racist and liked that she was more white than she let on…so she just left her “make-up” in the frame as an Easter Egg….but I’m thinking it’s probably from a hiker or a dog who felt the spot was perfectly private enough for a dump or in Halle’s case a nude shoot cuz she’s a whore and potentially a dump because why else would her pants be off..

Halle Berry’s Shitty Lingerie Photo of the Day January 4th, 2024