Emma Stone Still Lacks Sex Appeal of the Day

Emma Stone apparently won a Golden Globe since she’s holding it like a cock that’s about to give her the next Golden Globe win, and she continues to be the least hot, overrated celebrity around.

I’ve have always been confused about Emma Stone’s hype, in part because of her mouth and her speech impediment, so I never really understood why the industry and the robot half retarded fans of the industry bought into her.

I’ve seen her movies and I can say with confidence I have never felt an inkling of boner, even though an inkling would likely me by full boner, you know I have a very vaginal looking penis, but you get what I am saying and that is that I know what is hot and what is not, and I don’t think what is not hot should be treated like it is hot, because it can confuse people with no brain into redefining the beauty standards we’ve worked so hard to build.

So yeah, she seems to be dolled up and doing content for social media, because celebs are desperate to keep their scam and lie alive and she remains 0 hot, even with her tiny cleavage in a revealing dress…zero fucking hot….

Emma Stone Still Lacks Sex Appeal of the Day January 9th, 2024