Jessica Alba’s Doing Fitness of the Day

I realized that I am an old weathered fuck when I referred to a mom with a hot ass with her 20-something year old daughter with a hot ass as “girls”….meaning I didn’t consider the mom to be aged out or rotted out or near expired despite having had a kid and that really goes against everything I’ve ever known about myself.

If the ass is still hot at 50, I guess I’ll accept the abuse the body has gone through and treat it like it’s not dead….I guess in a way, I’m a necrophiliac like that….you know they are dead, but you don’t care.

Jessica Alba is holding onto the old lady being hot dream, she works her ass off at it, and documents it….with her tits out…making it more tolerable….

Jessica Alba’s Doing Fitness of the Day January 11th, 2024