Bruna Schwartz is the Instagram Of The Day

I am not getting paid by instagram influencers to profile them as if this was a marketing campaign that allows the instagram influencer to be featured on this coveted site along with actual celebrities….No one knows this site exists…except maybe you.

I am also not getting paid by you assholes to produce the galleries of internet nudity I posted for 3 fucking years…

I can’t even get you to buy a fucking FLESHLIGHT so that I Can get the 10 dollars from your new girlfriend….or sign up to the SUGAR DADDY DATING SITE, or the CAM SITE….you MOOCH FUCKS.

I’ll post what I want to and right now I want to post Bruna Schwartz…..translated to BROWN BLACK….this is BROWN BLACK…

Image Credit – Instagram

Bruna Schwartz is the Instagram Of The Day January 18th, 2024