Kim Kardashian Assumes the Shit Position of the Day

I know what you’re thinking and that is that Kim Kardashian doesn’t shit. Not because she’s a demonic robot sent from hell to destroy the human experience each old lady nude at a time…..or because she’s some unicorn who we can’t fathom shits like it was the 80s when dude legitimately didn’t think women besides their mom took shits…it was too unlady like a concept to wrap your head around especially when licking their assholes…because if anyone takes huge shit’s it’s Kim Kardashian…..the hairy little billionaire troll with the big stupid ass….clearly so full of shit that it just re-absorbs into her body and gives her that shit colored glow she’s got….

So we’ll just assume that Kim K in the shitting position is her trying another angle at being a fake fuck, since it works for her, she’s an influential billionaire all while being not so interesting….just consistently naked and not even hot in her consistent naked clickbait….making her whole success some kind of witchcraft since it makes no actual logical sense….

She’s a little fucking old for this…

Kim Kardashian Assumes the Shit Position of the Day January 22nd, 2024