Michelle Trachtenberg Scares the Fans of the Day

Michelle Trachtenberg is going viral for posting some of these pictures, because her fans were genuinely concerned about her well-being. She looks that bad in the pics.

They saw her thinning hair, they saw her all old and shit, they saw her weirdly dyed hair, like she’s some kind of middle aged spinster lesbian who has that cat parasite that has turned her into a chronic knitting monster who is constantly outraged by various things on social media…

I don’t think Trachtenberg was ever hot, but she did tell me that she didn’t get her period until she was in her 20s, which could potentially be seen as hot to the people into not knocking up their emotionally stunted women who were starved out to get movie roles by their evil stage parents….

At the time she was pretty obese, so the whole looking like a middle aged mom with an auto-immmune disease, maybe one too many vaccines, maybe one too many bad break-ups isnt’ quite hot to me, but better than pics of how obese she is…definitely not quite hot…but better than body positivity…

Things die, hair falls out, walls get hit when you’re a chick, life keeps going on….there’s plenty of hot pussy to fixate on while this one clearly dies off before our eyes…

Michelle Trachtenberg had to address the fan’s concern and let them know “This is aging bros, it’s not 1999 anymore, you Buffy nerd perverts who have kept me alive all these years”….

Michelle Trachtenberg Scares the Fans of the Day January 22nd, 2024