Lisa Ann Gets Arrested at the Matt Rife Show of the Day

This is probably old news by now, but I saw it yesterday and assumed it was some kind of viral stunt to promote Matt Rife, because he needs all the promotions he can get, he’s not already the biggest sell out comedy star in the history of social media comedy stars….

Anyway, the story is that Lisa Ann claims this was not a bit, not part of the act, she literally got arrested by the NYPD.

They claimed she had her camera out at the show, clearly Rife’s very protective of his very sacred content from his shows, because he needs to be the only one to monetize his RIFFs with his audience….not some SUPER famous Porn MILF…

The cops told her they’d either 51/50 her with a psych hold, they love doing that to people….or send her to jail…

Her caption:

Tonight I was arrested and harassed by the NYPD – they offered me a choice to be 51/50 by ambulance & admitted to the hospital – or arrested an put in jail over someone thinking I used my phone during the @mattrife show.

I’m at loss of words for what I just endured .. traumatic, unnecessary and extreme are topping my list of emotions

She is probably upset they threatened the 51/50 instead of the 69, because when dealing with a porn chick, you might as well get the dick sucked as a term of letting her free….

It’s all so crazy, but not as crazy as you’d have to be to be a porn chick….with all those Anal scenes available on the internet…

Safe to say…NEW FETISH ALERT….Old porn chick at comedy show getting arrested and throwing a tantrum….

Lisa Ann Gets Arrested at the Matt Rife Show of the Day February 5th, 2024