Joey King Does Fitness of the Day

I don’t know if Joey King is all that hot, but she matters in the world of celebrity and entertainment because she is an actor in legitimate moves or tv series that people watch, including but not limited to the Gypsy Rose Blanchard show people are probably rewatching thanks to that toothless freak being released from prison back in December.

She’s a child star turned more serious star and she’s got tits.

In these pictures, she’s at what looks like the ALO YOGA gym, where they cycle celebs and influencers to post content for them, likely for money and it’s all so exciting, nice and transactional….the way I like my content, branded and paid for with tit.

She’s looking fit, that’s a good thing in this fat world, so Joey King, not the hottest, but hot enough body and since I reduce everyone to their fuckability scale isn’t top of the charts….even though I’d fuck a pile of rotting cabbage in your granny’s compost pile, meaning a 0.5 on the FUckability scale is still something I’d fuck…..

Joey King Does Fitness of the Day February 7th, 2024