Elizabeth Hurley is in her Pink Bikini, because she’s a legacy bikini model from the 90s, who 40 years later, is still in her bikini because it’s potentially the only thing she knows how to do.
I was convinced that she was AI, or filters, or old content being recycled on her feed, but then I saw a movie she was in, since she’s also a bit of an actress who has been in some big movies in our time, and she looked like she held up against the inevitable rot.
Sure it could be fillers, face lifts, just lucky they didn’t take too much off the top….but at 60 she looked good…
It pains me to think it, it goes against everything, but even her Sauna post doesn’t give old folks pissing themselves in their diapers in the old folks home sauna they got to help with their arthritis…it gives middle aged fat tits you’d fuck in the sauna…or out of the sauna and that’s creepy, weird, but it happened, we’re living it, experiencing it….