I know that the Super Bowl happened, that Taylor Swift’s team won. I didn’t have money to bet on the game, I didn’t watch the game in some dive bar with degenerates and prostitutes like I would have liked to…..and ultimately, who gives a fuck about men running around in tights playing with balls and humping each other over the ball, making the ball the excuse for their humping, but we know they’re doing it cuz they like it, or because they make stupid money doing it….
Either way, that new school billionaire popstar that is overly relatable, MID at best, Taylor Swift, who has less sex appeal than the sock you jerk off with, or the used tampon you found on in the public bathroom, or the dirty panties you found on the street after a girl shat herself, but I guess that’s not fair to Taylor Swift’s sex appeal, since those found objects are HOT.
I don’t like Taylor Swift, her success in manufactured and weird, and I can’t get behind any dude willing to get behind her, other than for the story or to get close to a star that shines so bright, even if it’s unwarranted success to me….
Everyone I talk to can’t stand Taylor Swift, so watching Britney, a dried up popstar who was the Taylor Swift before Taylor swift doing insane dances in a devil outfit, sucking her pitchfork, in the same room she’s always in….all while I’m convinced she’s dead, this is AI or a body double….is far more interesting than thinking about how gay one must be to fuck Taylor Swift….or if that just makes you HYPER straight because you love pussy so much you’ll fuck one that’s as bad as Taylor Swift….
Here’s Britney….