Christie Brinkley’s 70 Year Old Tits of the Day

I guess this isn’t really news since it was posted 2 days ago and all the women’s blogs that target old diaper wearing ladies on FB have already celebrated Christie Brinkley. even though you’d expect those diaper wearers to get mad that one of their peers, equal in age, is still flaunting her tits like it was the 80s….when they hated her for being hotter than them then…so they can hate her for being hotter than them now…which is’t saying much since they’re 70…

She’s clearly MOOCHING off Billy Joel’s comeback tour, you know since she was his UPTOWN girl who is probably still living off his money….

Or maybe she’s just a titty model who only knows how to be in content with her tits…

Either way, it’s a test of your desperation, your perversion, your commitment to a cause…because in no world should anyone be jerking off to 70 year olds, unless they are 85 year olds in the same home as them on BONER pills.

For anyone willingly admitting that they’d fuck this, myself included, you’re demented….but the INTERNET made us this way….WHO CAN WE SUE FOR COMPENSATION…

Christie Brinkley’s 70 Year Old Tits of the Day February 22nd, 2024