The Fetish You Didn’t Know You Had of the Day

Precious is pregnant with twins, not the all you can eat buffet, which means that at least someone out there has had sex with Precious and it seems like he’s really stoked about it as her climbs on her like she’s a Bouncy Castle from his youth….reliving those good memories…maybe he’s got the Precious fetish…because it is safe to assume that Precious is a Fetish and that someone out there jerks off to her in the Precious movie like it’s a porno….or maybe he’s using her, either way, he’s stoked on the twins and I would be too, twins are fucking cool.

But the fetish before us is Precious Pregnant with Twins….it’s a hybrid Precious, a leveled up Precious, it’s more Precious than a typical Precious fetishist can handle..

The Fetish You Didn’t Know You Had of the Day February 28th, 2024