Lindsay Lohan’s Comeback Tour of the Day

Lindsay Lohan has been pretty off the radar over the last 10 years or more. I guess Hollywood abused her aggressively and she had to run to the middle east to sort it all out, where after opening her beach clubs, jacking up her face with injections, touring the party scene like she was Tara Reid, developing some weird accents, barely maximizing the Social Media machine or the direct to consumer billions of dollars an icon like Lohan could command….she’s landed on her feet with a husband and a kid….

For those of you who are out there, it’s probably past your bedtime granny, but you’ll remember that when the site launched, 20 years ago, PerezHilton had Paris Hilton, so I ran with Lindsay Lohan, she was 18 at the time.

I didn’t really think she was amazing, since I hate all celebs, but she grew on me as I kept it a constant theme because why the fuck not….

At one point in time, she was sending me text messages wishing me a nice day and I thought, for all the perverted, creepy, since creepy is my comedic jam, shit that I’ve said, this bitch and her hot tits with transparent nipples is pretty nice…obviously that ended without ever being sexted by her….not one single butt hole pic, but she was a lesbian at the time and well, I hate lesbians….for OBVIOUS reasons…at least for sexting purposes…I am sure some lesbians are funny, amazing and great and construction, plumbing or fixing broken down cars…

Anyway, since she’s stopped texting me, she didn’t feed me any great exclusives, she didn’t invest in this site like I wanted her to but I still decided to only praise Lohan and her weird family, they don’t need more bullying from assholes on the internet, especially those who want to celebrate her tits.

I’ve said and still believe she will win an Oscar one day, probably not for this IRISH WISH movie she’s promoting or the FREAKY FRIDAY SEQUEL Jamie Lee Curtis is tucking her dick into her boxers to participate in….

She’s not a fucking joker child star, she just hasn’t tried to get that Oscar…

Now, I don’t pay attention to celebrities, or old celebrities, or even look at Lohan since that ship has sailed for my broken heart all those years ago…but I still think she is the best there ever was a legend who the industry tried to destroy….who will win that Oscar one day.

I just saw these pics of her in some dress, still rockin some tits, now mom tits and I’m feeling more validated in my LOHAN WINNING AN OSCAR because LOHAN will be BACK…but maybe I’m just being nostalgic to tits gone by…

Lindsay Lohan’s Comeback Tour of the Day March 6th, 2024