Denise Richards in Lingerie of the Day

Denise Ricahrds reminds me of the meme that reads “Ok Granny, let’s get you to bed”….

It’s one of those, granny’s too old and demented to really know what the fuck is going on, so she just runs with it until someone who cares about her, like her grandson stops her before she goes too far….

Only in Denise Richards’ case, she’s gone to far because we’ve all been exposed to her mangled, frankenstein, cut off and put back on nipple that looks like a horror movie monster, ATTACK OF THE SQUARE SCARRED NIPPLE….

That should have been kept under wraps….

The too old for ONLYFANS proving that she’s not too old for ONLYFANS, and that at any age you can exploit the wallets of loser fans if you’ve got fans using shitty old lady sexts.

I think she would have done fine if she just posted BTS pics from her Wild Things era, pretending it is recent, but the sickos out there want recent pics of her because fandom is confusing and involves freaks wanting to feel like they are aging out with the girl…

It’s a crazy world…now get Granny to bed.

Denise Richards in Lingerie of the Day March 12th, 2024