Florence Pugh Stained Nipples of the Day

I read some reddit loser virgin weirdo woke liberal mask wearing cucks who are probably vegan definitely low testosterone pro tranny story time cuz they are basically tranny hormonally….you know the type, I mean just read reddit comments, with their sassy lady-like commentary and jokes….

So yeah, read the reddit, saw that people miss the glory days of blogs, because blogs used to have great writers and now all those writers are winning academy awards or doing podcasts, but not everyone wants a podcast, some people want to read bullshit…LIKE YOU DEAR READER….reading this nonsense..

Anyway, puns…they said that the original writers of DeadMeatSpin were PUNNY AS HELL and how great that is…

I’ve always hated puns, they make me cringe, they give me that “WAHHHH WAHHH” sound in my head, like a joke that lies flat, even when they are clever….

But since that’s what the mass internet hive mind I am trying to seduce, molest, sexually assault so that the METOO ME…and I finally matter….

I am going to try a pun…in the form of troll, neckless, possible wrestler or shot-putter Florence Pugh with her shit stained nipples….but because her name rhymes with POO, and POO means SHIT…I am calling them PUGH STAINED nipples…

OMG is that even a PUN…is that PUNNY….I don’t know, but Florence Pugh fucking sucks even with her tits out for OSCARS….and that’s probably what this post is about, I guess.


Florence Pugh Stained Nipples of the Day March 12th, 2024