Margot Robbie’s Panty Flash in the Car of the Day

Margot Robbie looks about 55 years old. She says she’s in her early 30s, but we know how Fat Amy dialled back her age and got caught, it’s safe to assume Robbie did the same.

I did understand her hype in the Wall Street Wolf movie. She was naked, she was unknown to America, she was at her prime.

I never understood her hype since the Wall Street Wolf movie.

They managed to ride that wave hard and was one of the highest paid actresses of the year because of Barbie….so she’d probably argue that she’s at her prime now, proving that financial gain is not indicative of prime, because her prime was before her money started flowing….

I saw a side-by-side picture of her from 10 years ago, her face was that of a different person, her face now is that of a 55 year old mom going through a divorce to jack herself up into the dating scene. The difference, dramatic, must be that Australian hole in the ozone.

Margot Robbie’s Panty Flash in the Car of the Day March 14th, 2024