Kara Del Toro Does Big Tit Content of the Day

I wouldn’t say my work is important, or substantial, or even that interesting.

It’s more like a teenage dude sitting at lunch with no friends staring and judging the tits in the class with nothing else to do.

I am sure if packaged properly, the effort that goes into updating content about random tits of the internet could be something deep, meaningful, important…

But until then, it’s just a pervert dude posting pics of an instagram model, who happens to have rockin’ tits and a million followers, possibly because she’s married to Benecio Del Toro, or maybe she’s his kid, NEPO baby relying on dad’s connections to get ahead, but with tits like this, it really could be the tits.

So yeah, this could be the first chapter of a best selling novel, or the opening scene to an Academy award winning movie, but instead it’s a long and uninteresting caption to a chick posting tit pics disguised as high brow fashion editorial pics that aren’t for fashion editorial but instead for her instagram…..because people are fucking nuts…

Kara Del Toro Does Big Tit Content of the Day March 26th, 2024