Phoebe Price lives with her dying mother, who has been dying for at least a decade and who she has integrated into her content in a weird fucking way, because obviously it’s in a weird fucking way, it’s Phoebe Price.
She’s a weird specimen of celebrity who isn’t an actual celebrity but who confuses herself for a celebrity because the paparazzi have captured pictures of her at celebrity hot spots…
She’s probably got more in common with a homeless person, who makes art with his feces in bus shelters, only she’s better financed, which makes her posing or dancing with her mom’s bedpan / shitter all the more appropriate.
I think Phoebe Price is amazing, stripping down and showing off her big tits from her bomb shelter she calls home, trying to modernize her content for the social media era, when she had the benefit of delusions of grandeur when the paparazzi were making her “famous”, allowing her to assume she was famous, without realizing that no one actually cared about her as much as she probably thought she did when they were writing about her.
It’s this level of awkward weirdness that I think in a lot of ways is pretty much perfection while showcasing all that is wrong with the world of celebrity…
She’s amazing.