Kayla Simmons is a Volleyball Star of the Day

Kayla Simmons has volleyball star with volleybally sized titties, which is obviously part of her appeal and her whole marketing hustle, since you gotta use the gifts the good lord has given you to have the best life you can possibly have, and if you’re like us and don’t have any gifts the good lord gave us, because we are all perfectly below average, then you can stare at the people he did give the gifts to and either envy them, or jerk off to them, whatever works.

I wouldn’t fancy myself a volleyball star due to being short and fat, but I would say that my high school did have a bin of volleyballs in the equipment room that I more than once pretended were a set of tits.

I don’t really know if Kayla Simmons is considered a volleyball star, but she did play at the college level and that’s good enough, especially considering her handicap in the sport carrying an extra poundage on her….the built in weighted vest.

Anyway, she does whore content and we like whores, we just don’t like paying them…

Kayla Simmons is a Volleyball Star of the Day April 11th, 2024