Stella Hudgens Whore Menu of the Day

I didn’t really know what to call this menu, I figure if you were to go to LADY BAR in the Philippines or South East Asia, there would be a similar menu outlining what you would get for the bargain basement “You May Get Aids” price….so I am calling it the BROTHEL MENU, when really it’s just a content menu of what you get if you give her enough money.

The truth is that her prices are reasonable, this whore is cheap, because it’s a volume game….20 dollars for a picture of her ass she can send to 1000s of people, meaning on picture can make her 100k….30 dollars of bare tits and 50 for XXX butt plug shots cuz she’s not fucking on camera yet…..

It’s a fucking hustle from the comfort of your own house, take a handful of pics, sell them a few 1000 times, get rich….

It would be cheaper to go grab tits at a strip club but that would require leaving the house in this weirdo world where no one leaves the house, plus the strippers are related to a celebrity…

But to pay for a picture, pretty fucking sad and lonely, a fucking picture….on a screen…not even printed and framed and signed….

That’s just way too lazy and expensive for me and I’m fucking lazy and cheap…so my opinion won’t really impact her hustle….

Stella Hudgens Whore Menu of the Day April 11th, 2024