Kelly Gale Bikini Tits of the Day

Kelly Gale is the Indian Swedish Australian hybrid human with the tits.

She was a Victoria’s Secret model who did Victoria’s Secret bullshit before Victoria’s Secret decided to cancel the fuck out of hot chicks because they listened to the fucking internet trolls and demons and decided their entire marketing strategy of the last 30 years of business was bad and that the bitter fat genderless pig with a birth defect, autism and too much rage was the person to listen to.

As a society, brands gravitated to the downers who found themselves and each other on the internet, instead of marginalizing them, ignoring them, and enforcing the fact that they are boring fucking losers who don’t matter, the way nature intended….

It’s all because you fucks took that anti-bullying stance, so that the nerds and rejects and loners become confident when they should have otherwise killed themselves or made themselves invisible from the fear and trauma of being abused by their peers…

Instead, we celebrated them as equals and they were able to turn a bikini babe brand into dog shit, who have now decided to head back to bikini babe content, but for a while things went dark.

Kelly Gale, the slutty Australian with the tits, who is trying to become an actress now has faced adversity, has faced the struggles of the hot chick and has continued to push forward with hotness and for that, we celebrate her….

Kelly Gale Bikini Tits of the Day April 23rd, 2024