Cami Mendes Fashion Tits of the Day

Cami Mendez never really excited me when she first hit the scene on Riverdale, which was the worst show to ever happen to TV, yet it appealed to a younger audience and went viral, making the entire cast very rich and famous.

I was always confused on why she was cast as Veronica not so much because of her hispanic background, or the fact that she was rich due to illicit business dealing of her father, which in and of itself should be seen as racist, but for whatever reason the hispanic audience bought into it instead of protesting it.

I was confused because she had no neck, but for whatever reason, she’s managed to grow a neck, maybe from all the THROAT WORK she had to do as a young starlet, maybe from drugs, starvation, ozempic, fitness, who knows….

She’s in Vogue now, I guess doing the fashionable actor thing, and she’s stripped down, not overly hot, but far hotter than I thought she was, so I’ll celebrate a story in a girl getting hotter, which is normally the opposite of what the aging process does!

Cami Mendes Fashion Tits of the Day April 25th, 2024