Kourtney Kardashian’s Titty in the Tub Photoshoot of the Day

Kourtney Kardashian is using the Kardashian Marketing strategy to get noticed.

I’ve been seeing these Kourtney Kardashian “leaked” pics for over a month and didn’t bother with them, since they are Kourtney Kardashian and I don’t really care to give her any more hype than she’s already had.

Sure, there’s also the annoyance of lawyers letters since they are billionaires, that won’t ruin me since I am already ruined, but layers of headaches can come with “leaked” pics that I don’t actually care about.

You see, even in Kourtney’s prime, when she was marketed as the hot Kardashian sister, which is like taking four dog shits and lining them up in a row and having people judge the nicest looking dog shit, I wasn’t into her.

Now that she’s near 50, a new mom, all jacked up on the family plastic surgery and “medi-spa” treatments, I am definitely not interested. Plus the whole Travis Barker HIV pussy, but that’s just added bonus to how vile she is.

I also don’t see these as leaks, when they are posed. I see them as strategic releases to get some viral attention around her tits and I’m taking the bait. Clearly someone isn’t happy with the level of press her granny ass is getting, so she’s upping the strategic moves, while upping the dose of brazilian butt lift injections.

These are probably old and it’s all so obvious…but I can’t turn my back on tits, even tits I want to turn my back on. It’s a weakness and a problem.

Kourtney Kardashian’s Titty in the Tub Photoshoot of the Day April 29th, 2024