Milf Monday of the Day

MILFS may not be the hottest bunch out there, you could see them as damaged goods, but when you’re as old as me they become youngins with youngins and I’m sure far more emotionally stable than women who don’t have children despite their body wanting them to have children thanks to being socially conditioned by society to neglect their natural instinct in exchange for some other fake as fuck shitty validation…

I’m not sure where moms who have kids and get naked on the internet fall in terms of mental health disorders, but if they are doing to keep the baby fed, or to keep dudes jerking off to them knowing they’ve literally been run through by a human, I figure it’s not so bad.

Plus, if they are moms, they know how to care for something and not kill it, which I’m sure can apply to erections….you know maternal instinct on that shit….

Milf Monday of the Day April 29th, 2024