Katy Perry’s Comeback Titties of the Day

Katy Perry’s comeback tits aren’t really comeback titties since she didn’t really go anywhere. She’s still very much in the public, judging hit TV shows, existing….and cashing the fuck in….

These are comeback tittes that are still titties that never went anywhere because she saw how much money Taylor Swift made off old songs and figures she can do the billion dollar too. Logical, since Taylor Swift although a brainwasher through mind control, is about as compelling star as a lump of shit….sure people are drawn to her, but that is some supernatural forces.

So Katy Perry may suck, but I doubt she thinks she sucks as hard at Taylor Swift, so she’s having a go at it….with her tits…the comeback tits that never went away tits…

She is wearing garbage bags because she trash.

She’s looking like her best Zombie Corpse Goth Kardashian with those face injections…

Katy Perry’s Comeback Titties of the Day May 6th, 2024