Salma Hayek Has Been Marketed to Us of the Day

I just saw these pictures of Salma Hayek from 2005, that I thought were more recent because she looks like a broken down old lady mourning her husbands death, with that face…..and I am realizing that we’ve been marketed to aggressively on Salma Hayek…

She’s not hot, she’s not pretty, she’s got tits, sure, that’s what she needed to make this scheme happen, but she looks like a fucking dude….and might be a fucking dude…and that’s disturbing.

Maybe beauty ideals were different in 2005, but she looks like a monobrow they found in a fucking cave somewhere….

It’s disturbing me that we’ve been gamed so hard….WITCHCRAFT..

Salma Hayek Has Been Marketed to Us of the Day May 17th, 2024