Britney Spears Pussy Flashing Video of the Day

Britney Spears or the actress they’ve hired to play Britney Spears, or the computer coders and designers they’ve used to create the Britney Spears AI or AR filter, posted a video of what they are presenting to us as Britney Spears seducing her mirror….pulling up her skirt to almost show her slop-hole, while her tits are bursting out, and it was all so exciting that I HAD to download it knowing that she’d delete it, which she did…

Whether she’s crazy, or positioned as crazy, alive, institutionalized, dead,. the people running her feed are doing what they can to make us think she’s a nut….

I still want to see her lady parts…even if the whole thing is bootleg and weird…her feed not her vagina.

Her selfies are done in some smart mirror where they clearly watch her through, but her meds probably make her less schizo and paranoid….even though she fucking should me.

In conclusion, crazy bitches are the best fucks, so I’m into it but I am also nostalgic and Britney Spears is a legend even when it’s not actually Britney Spears.

Britney Spears Pussy Flashing Video of the Day May 20th, 2024