Britney Spears Pink Panty Titty Grab of the Day

I appreciate the social experiment that is Britney Spears.

I am a non believer in Britney being alive, but I am also a conspiracy theorist.

It is very possible that this is Britney doing weird dances on a different day in the exact same place she always does her dancing. Her outdated living room in her expensive castle she calls prison.

It is more fun to think this is archive footage or a body double that is designed to trick everyone by making them think it’s actually Britney Spears. Like it’s one of those “Look how dumb people are, we swapped her out for some chick, put her in a sheer dress with pink panties and a push up bra and they just assume it is still her”….these people believe anything their TV tells them.

Her caption to this video is:

This is weirdly enough the day before I broke my foot !!! You can see my face looks younger and I’m a bit heavier because well I don’t have paps and the news messing with me and making me a nervous wreck ? !!! I’ve lost a lot of weight since then and have a couple of new exciting projects on the way ??? !!! Hope you guys are having a wonderful day ??? !!!

The story is that she broke her foot a few weeks ago at Chateau Marmont celebrating Belushi’s death venue, in some sort of weird ritual….and this is her the day before she broke that foot….because SURE IT IS…

Hot popstar mom tits though.

Britney Spears Pink Panty Titty Grab of the Day May 21st, 2024