Daisy Ridley Dressed like a School Boy of the Day

Daisy Ridley or Daisy Ride-Your-Face is for the real fucking loser nerds to begin with, since she’s some Star Wars character and anyone into Star Wars is a real fucking loser nerd, no matter how validated they are on the internet by other nerds, or how good they feel about themselves for being nerds because dot com billionaires are nerds and those dudes get all the pussy.

Now she’s dressed in what I see as some boy scout air cadet outfit, sure it’s a dress, but these are modern times where boys wear dresses, I saw two dudes in dresses today alone….

Rocking the knee socks like a British school boy in the 1940s, or maybe the mail man, who fucking knows, it’s not the kind of thing you’d think is jerk-off-able, but I believe in your level of pathetic loser…

Daisy Ridley Dressed like a School Boy of the Day May 21st, 2024