Britney Spears’ Instagram Admits She’s a Ghost of the Day

You can’t do an X-Tina post without doing a Britney Spears post because I am stunted, still living in Y2k, I’m the glitch in the matrix they warned you about on Y2k, saying nothing happened as the official storyline, while being the catastrophic event that happened, only too insignificant to notice. You know how it is.

I was always pro-Xtina even though I hated bolt on tits even in the era of bolt-on tits….she just seemed hotter and more fun than big-necked Britney who also had fake tits or maybe it was just some LOUISIANA tit…unfortunately, the way X-Tina sang offended my autism….but there’s a MUTE button for that.

I have been thinking Britney is dead and her account run by AI or a body double, old content repurposed, etc….and now I have the proof.

The handlers who do her Social Media have ADMITTED to being a GHOST asking “why did my body turn into a ghost” in her caption….


Ok so I’m proud of my white shell ? bathing suit and that I lost 2 inches in my waist !!! This is actually a different edit of my swim suit video but I thought it’s particularly weird … I sort of disappeared through the edit !!! When I shot it I remembered saying I didn’t do anything different why did my body turn into a ghost ? ??? Who knows

Britney Spears’ Instagram Admits She’s a Ghost of the Day June 7th, 2024