X-Tina Got Looking Like a Fuck Doll of the Day

X-Tina Aguilera, who grew into her huge fake tits back when she was in her 30s, decided to starve herself or OZEMPIC herself into that original little body with the bolt on tits the world loved during her pop career…in what was probably the golden age for pop stars at least in this internet generation because those pop stars were the last of that selling CD money making machine and are now packaged as icons…

In being an ICON she’s got a Vegas tour, that she’s dressed in lingerie for, her bolt on tits spilling out, her cameltoe strong…and despite being in her 40s, it’s kind of entertaining if you’re into bimbo blow-up dolls, which for some of you may be all you’ve ever had because real women are scary and REAL DOLLS are expensive….

X-Tina Got Looking Like a Fuck Doll of the Day June 7th, 2024