Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

I am pretty repetitive on the TinyTit posts we do in these parts because it’s not all that complicated a concept…tits are tits and tiny tits are tits therefore tiny tits are tits as well.

The titty fetishists out there like to hate tiny tits, shame tiny tits, but they are just brain washed by the media and perpetuating lies, because the true titty fetishist will love all tits, and won’t be able to get enough of all tits, because they are tits.

So that flat as a board and you look like a boy slander is just schoolyard antics designed to kill the natural tit and buy the fake tits.

I starts at the top, in the media and is clearly just big pharma propaganda tool to sell implants….since everyone knows that TINY TITS ARE TITS too…you can tell by the NIPPLE you can LATCH onto.

Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day June 18th, 2024