Nina Dobrev Disabled Fetish of the Day

I saw some pictures of NINA DOBREV AT AN EVENT and she’s rocking a pair of crutches.

I am a terrible celebrity titty blogger, because there are too many tits to keep track of and more importantly, not that many tits that really interest me enough to care…

So Eastern European Nina Dobrev who used Canada’s easy immigration laws to establish herself as a child in Canada, only to move to the USA the second she got her Canadian passport, where she lived as an acturess….is not all that amazing to me.

She’s got a good body, good tits, but she’s old and boring…plus she is dating billionaire snowboarder SHAUN WHITE and their fucking repulses me because of his gingerhood.

Anyway, turns out she’s injured and ever since Cronenberg (a Canadian who stayed in Canada despite making hit American Movies)’s CRASH, I’ve looked at people in braces and with crutches different…you know because it’s a fetish to people.

It’s not a fetish to me, so I didn’t know it existed, but it’s a fetish….maybe because it makes it harder for her to run, maybe because it means she needs to be cared for, maybe it’s because you like medical devices….but girl’s in a brace, on crutches, exhilerating as she hobbles along.

Google says she broke her knee and ripped some ligaments in a bike accident…so HOT….hobble over here and sit on our collective faces bitch..

Nina Dobrev Disabled Fetish of the Day June 20th, 2024