Sam is the Instagram Of The Day

Samantha Alves isn’t the most followed shameless and half naked influencer or aspiring influencer on social media, but that’s not always a bad thing.

It means that she’s taking a stab at becoming famous by getting naked.

She is at the stage of the little gains in followers per near nude post being enough of a motivator.

She doesn’t need the 1,000,000 views, the million followers, the million dollar campaigns to kepe her stripping down going…and there’s something a little more pure, accessible and special in that.

It’s like we’re part of an exclusive community in on this knowledge or tits….you know just a guy in a smaller gangbang, instead of being a guy at the back of the line at a record breaking gangbang…if you know what I mean.

Image Credit – Instagram

Sam is the Instagram Of The Day June 26th, 2024