Maddie Ziegler Getting Fed by a Man of the Day

Maddie Ziegler is some dance child from the dance child reality TV shows that a normal person would find creepy and be confused why it was even on TV, because even nice old ladies watching to watch children dance because it reminds them of when they had kids, or what they wish they had if they had had kids is fucking creepy.

You see creepy doesn’t have to always be sexual and I may be the kind of person who thinks everything is sexual or comes down to sex….but kids dancing is creepy for the sex perverts into that, but also for ANYONE into that.

Anyway, Ziegler has become a model, influencer, important figure in social media with all those followers, maybe because of reality TV, maybe because of SIA’s music videos that cast her as the leotard wearing child dancer, also creepy….maybe it’s all fake followers….

She is in this campaign, where a big tattooed hand is feeding her on all fours, like she’s some kind of sex slave, very progressive and feminist…right?

I think society is going back to the gutter porn, chicks being chicks the way we want them being chicks….which means the future is bright for this motherfucker when you see a girl crawling around for a photoshoot like a whore.

Maddie Ziegler Getting Fed by a Man of the Day June 28th, 2024