Nicole Scherzinger’s Trans Tits for Pride Weekend of the Day

Nicole Scherzinger’s got her big fake tits out in a bikini for what I’d assume is shameless self promotion, like you’d expect from a childless 50 year old with a lot of money who relies on her fit “hot” body to exist….

But it could be to celebrate pride for all her gay following, which you know she has a lot of, like the Cher of her generation but not nearly as iconic since the gays will go for anyone as if they have a worm in their brains…

We used to call her a tranny, because of the hard face and body, which could be true since the good trannies all look like her because they try…

Unfortunately the majority of trannies I meet work at coffee shops, are fat dudes in dresses and wigs, who have make-up applied wrong, doing the worst slob version of a chick they can…and it’s far less respectable kind of tranny…it’s the gamer tranny all fucked up on energy drinks and comic book nerd shit tranny…not the “I want to be a sugar baby tranny”..

Either way, this one’s in a bikini tits out….

Nicole Scherzinger’s Trans Tits for Pride Weekend of the Day July 1st, 2024