Britney Spears Titty in a Silly Dress of the Day

Britney Spears is the American Dream…she’s what every white trash family wants to shit out there cunt in the trailer park they do their meth and watch their soap operas in….because she’s an earner all famous and shit.

I think she’s dead and her handlers are just trolling us or keeping her alive in spirit on the internet, maybe with old content or a body double, The content quality is so shit it’d be easy to fake it.

In today’s Britney’s being marketed as crazy with some hostage content, she posted a video of her tits hanging out of some figure skating dress 5 days ago….then over the last 3 days, she’s posted screenshots of the same video….making for a 5 days of this titty dress in the hostage video and I find it fun because of the tits but more because of the conspiracy around Britney…

Her caption for the vide was:

Pulling off ditzy airhead blonde but I get their attention when I walk ????????? !!! What should my name be … ALICE ??

An Alice in Wonderland reference….something the conspiracy theorists will like because Alice in Wonderland references on a crazy celebrity plant….must mean something, right?

Britney Spears Titty in a Silly Dress of the Day July 8th, 2024