Ozempic Katy Perry Attempts Sad Brand Relaunch with her Tits of the Day

Katy Perry has been offending me with her low quality music and performances for the last 2 decades.

I have never understood why people are her fans, but they were just so sold on her bullshit….which gave her this sense of importance and confidence because she was rewarded so well despite being shit.

She decided it was time to relaunch her tour because Taylor Swift did so well with hers, and now she’s convinced she’s got what it takes to have a go at a billion dollar tour.

I think the world has caught onto the fact that she sucks, that she’s not compelling and even her hardcore fans have snapped out of it….

She’s still got the tits though, which is why we are here, but the hope is this tour FAILS hard and she realizes her scam was a one hit wonder that lasted way too fucking long and she should just be happy with that.

She’s trying fucking hard to make this work….so that’s why I hope it fails even harder…despite how many BOT comments she has BOUGHT to make us think people like it…

There is NO WAY anyone can like her music, especially this outdated trash and not outdated in a good way…it’s just terrible…

But it’s a decent ad for Ozempic…but always a fat cankle fuck to me…she’s in her 40s and. a mom this is not age appropriate…or Halloween…get it together scumbag..

Ozempic Katy Perry Attempts Sad Brand Relaunch with her Tits of the Day July 11th, 2024