Katy Perry’s Failing and I Love It of the Day

I’ve been fighting for the end of Katy Perry in a very lazy fucking way for a long period of time, but no one listens to me and I ultimately don’t care that she managed to scheme and scam a career based on a one-hit wonder. It’s marketing and for whatever reason, probably some satanic agenda that worked out for her….

When people win, they don’t really understand the concept of losing, especially when the win was when they were young, so the only life they know is that of a rich celebrity cunt with big tits people sometimes got excited for if the brainwashing was done wright….

So girl sees Taylor Swift cashing in and realizes that doing some faminist bullshit in a timeline that laughs at feminist bullshit because we’ve all gone through this women empowerment shit and the only scragglers left are the fat cat owning blue haired that don’t believe in gender, but like to blame having a pussy for their failures….it’s a victim mindset….a trait of womanhood…

Anyway, she did this video with sex toys, her tits out, pretending we’re in a women’s world, hoping for some man-hater support, or gay fanbase support, and the whole thing has been a FLOP…

So she’s scrambling, going to podcasts, struggling…

She’s a fraud, she doesn’t believe what she’s selling, she’s just aiming for the clickbait and even with OZEMPIC and the tits out it’s failed…

To make it even funnier, the producer of her album is the dude who basically owns her because of KISSED A GIRL named DR LUKE and the feminists out there are outraged because he’s the guy who owned her friend KESHA in a highly publicized RAPE case….

The song also fucking sucks….

Her lyrics: “Fire in her eyes / Feminine divine / She was born to shine / To shine, to shine, yeah”

She’s now pretending that the song is a PARODY, but the reality is her entire career has been a parody, it’s just not working this time…


But the good news is she’s got the tits, still showing the tits, the only hope for her is the tits…so more tits…WITH NIPPLE..


Katy Perry’s Failing and I Love It of the Day July 15th, 2024