Amelia Hamlin Does Fitness of the Day

Lisa Rinna’s Whore Daughter is a Legitimate Model Who Works Out of the Day …or at least pretends to because showing her starving herself, or performing eating disorder acts of drinking diet coke and eating a stick of gum, or better…binging and purging…would only cater to a handful of perverts like me, who like our models skinny.

Amelia Hamlin was a try hard instagram model, who was sold to the Kardashian and put through the rigorous training camp on how to game the system, and because of that she’s now a legitmate model….probably because the fashion industry has no taste, are run by a bunch of try hard losers fame whores who chase after instagram views and followers and not SUBSTANCE…

She’s still worth a fuck though….check out her tits

Amelia Hamlin Does Fitness of the Day July 16th, 2024