Joey King Posts Bikini Smut of the Day

Joey King is a 24 year old married child star who is transitioning into adult roles, which isn’t the most common transition that Hollywood has been promoting the last decade, but it does happen occassionally….

Not all child stars who were sold to the industry as kids get run through by the satanic perverts, or if they do, they’re not whiners about it. So they don’t develop a drug addiction, die, or start an OnlyFans…they don’t get blacklisted from the industry that forces them to write a book about it….they just continue going through the celebrity motions.

So due to good behavior the starlet who started at 4 years old, is now being pushed on us aggressively but the good news is that they’ve offset the face made for working in a lab or library….so they’re maximizing them.

Her tits have been all over the place, from popular NETFLIX movies, to promo tours and Europe…

So here she is in a bikini.

And if you’re into seeing her tits at some talk show you can CLICK HERE

Joey King Posts Bikini Smut of the Day July 16th, 2024