Lesbian Lily Rose Depp is Pregnant of the Day

I don’t know if Lily Rose Depp, who is so fucked in the head that she decided to become a lesbian as some kind of protest or solution to all her poor little rich kid mental issues is actually pregnant…

However, I do know that lesbians are a great vessel for the sperm donor who wants to spread his seed and create a superior race in his images, because those perverts need cum and will buy it off marketplace if needed.

Lesbians do get pregnant, because they are ultimately wired to be straight, to take dick, to reproduce and any lesbian propaganda you read is just them pushing some sort of fetish as if it’s sexual preference…

I was on a lesbian reddit yesterday, where a lesbian was complaining that every time she ovulates, all she thinks about is cock and getting fucked. Yes reddit libtards are the worst, but they can be entertaining…

So all the other lesbians in reddit were agreeing with her, saying they too watch PENIS IN VAGINA close up porn during ovulation but it’s just a fetish or fantasy that must be repressed in order to be the full lesbian they are…

At least some dude wrote “just fuck dudes bro”…because ultimately, that’s what their body is telling them…while all the other lesbians said “Just hold out, use that energy to fuck your girlfriend”….LIKE TRY TO BE A LESBIAN DON’T GIVE INTO YOURSELF…

Dumb fucks….

In condlusion, I’d like to inseminate Lily Rose Depp, she’s one of my favorites, even during this lesbian phase…


Lesbian Lily Rose Depp is Pregnant of the Day July 16th, 2024