Kate Beckinsale in her Bloomers of the Day

Kate Beckinsale in her Bloomers of the Day

Kate Beckinsale is wearing a pair of bloomers, which is appropriate because she’s 300 years old…

This could be one of those dementia brain thing where the old lady who is dying of whatever throat fucking disease that made her throat bleed reverts back to her childhood before being turned into a Vampire….

Then again, since Kate Beckinsale is near dead and skeltal it is possible that what we are looking at is Kate Beckinsale in a thong….it just fits like a pair of bloomers…

The sick thing is that you all still jerk off to Backinsale despite her being sick, near dead, palliative…almost like working the cancer ward for the finger bangs…because you’re the truly sick one, not the dying of cancer motherfuckers…you are sicker than the dying of cancer motherfuckers…SICK…

Kate Beckinsale in her Bloomers of the Day July 18th, 2024