Katy Perry Keeps Sucking of the Day

In a “Kick Em While Their Up” story of human nature, which if you’ve read this site over the last 20 years has been my general philosophy for the site, because I haven’t seen much difference between the people they package and sell to us as being important, than the normies….but yet they are pushed on us to worship, as a diversion from actual meaningful worship, which they profit from.

Katy Perry is one of the more obvious scams, I get that she had a viral song at the right time, but I will never understand why it didn’t end there, it became tours and albums and girl actually believes that she’s worthy of being a popstar, because you’d have to be delusional to put yourself out there and promote trash as if it’s important contribution to the art world.

She’s a clunky, suburban, talentless hack, who mooches off anything she can for her own personal gain and it’s obvious….

So when I found out she had ACTUAL fans, I was shocked, because how can you be drawn to something so fake, fraudulent and not even very hot. It has tits, but it also has CANKLES….back when it was in its 20s.

Now at 40, she’s jacked up the OZEMPIC, decided to have a go at TAYLOR SWIFT, because this society is stunted and doesn’t replace celebs or popstars with NEW celebs or popstars, they just commit to the same trash, rinse and repeat….because why cultivate new talent when you can just use the tried, tested and true who has the minds of the fans already wrapped around her….

But this generation is a little more savvy, they see a fraud and call the fraud out, especially when it is pandering to them….

So Katy Perry is getting a taste of her first failure after she’s already won financially through her scam, but the JIG IS UP….

Time to get back to the drawing board, retire, or maybe start her own label that creates a new generation of popstars like the den mother at the stripclub…who still have tits, but know making 20% off the new tits is a more lucrative business because her tits that still exist aren’t the same tits they once were.

I saw these Katy Perry pics and every comment is “FLOP”…on repreat….let’s hope she’s reading all of those…because it’s a nice reality check for an out of touch pile of dog shit.

Here’s her vacation pics with Orlando Bloom….they have bred and are disgusting contributions to the world for that reason alone.

Katy Perry Keeps Sucking of the Day July 22nd, 2024