Sofia Vergara’s Tits in Italy of the Day

I have a theory that Sofia Vergara is a Colombian drug lord that was brought to America as some sort of Drug Mule because the Hollywood machine love cocaine…but that may be giving her too much credit.

You know, giving her some sort of purpose outside of being a set of fat tits that wanted to live the American dream so she flew in and never left, only to figure out the documentation when she was established and had enough rich dudes to foot the bill for her…

Then again, hot chicks actually have the easiest time getting US Work Visas and don’t even need to climb walls, cross rivers, float in on rafts or any of that human trafficking shit….they just need a pervert model agency to say they are actual important tits and they get to stay for 5 years.

Clearly, immigration understood that importing hot titty model pussy into the country was good from a genetic level of eugenics..

Anyway, the super famous and super old tits are in Italy, since she’s rich and famous thanks to her aggressive Spanish accent when she speaks…

They even posed with dying and paliative Kate Beckinsale who is doing her Queen Latifah inspired “you’re gonna die, so get in all the fun you can” tour…

And Vergara’s one tit seems to be far heavier than Beckinsale’s entire body….hot for those into both tits and emaciated dying women….ALL in the same frame.


Sofia Vergara’s Tits in Italy of the Day July 22nd, 2024