Katy Perry Panders to the Gays in a Last Ditch Effort of the Day

Old cow with the dried up milk who should be taken out to pasture to live out the rest of her life with her pile of fucking money, Katy Perry, is on some over-achiever trying to prove herself before she turns 40, despite having looked 45 the last 15 years of her career, the midlife crisis is real.

She’s taken Ozempic to try to thin out those cankles that helped her look 45 the last 15 years of her career, while maintaining the tits that she’s had all these years as a marketing tool, tits that I’m starting to think are fake because they haven’t shrunk despite her birthing a child and the whole Ozempic thing….which would make sense since everything about Katy Perry is a fucking fraud.

She decided in her mid-life crisis that it’d be a good time to release a new hit, to have a new album, to pave the way for a new tour, so that she can squeeze more money out of her brainwashed audience who think she’s good.

Luckily, the truth has finally come out that she’s a talentless hack and that her music fucking sucks as hard as her public facing personality and that the people just don’t give a fuck about her our her out of touch rich boomer ways…

It’s a nice time to be alive because all these years of seeing her win has been confusing to those of us who question these kinds of things and try to understand why such shit is being celebrated…..WHAT is it about her that the people are buying into…I still don’t know….tits aren’t that great to carry this kind of career…

Then again, we’re a dumb population who buy into things like fake viruses, poison medications and other nonsense like the HAWK TUAH girl…

POINT OF THE STORY…Katy Perry sucks and tried to release a feminist anthem, like Em Rata released her feminist manifesto in whoring, only Rat Cow did it when the timing was right, and Perry did it when the younger generation want to be Trad Wives and country moms on the farm instead of sugar babies at the club….

Now that the shit has flopped, she’s scrambling to figure out where her audience is, and she’s landed at PRIDE in Spain, because those gays are so easy to please, their worms in their brains like anything that is seemingly “Fabulous”, which can be the most obscure celebrity or popstar…or trend from any era….they’ll get excited because they are gays.

She posted a Pride video and her Pride moment since the rest of the world has turned on her, maybe she’ll get somewhere pandering to the gays….she’s always relied on them….knowing they are easy targets after seeing the Debbie Gibson and Tiffany performed at Prides over the last 20 years……Holding on as hard as she can….trying to get away into the night and you put your arm around me and we tumble to the ground and say…..

I think we’re alone now…

Just not alone enough because KLUNKY KATY’s still yappin’…and mouth kissing gays for the AIDS.

She was also in a bikini, showing off the saggers that probbaly aren’t fake because they are saggers.

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Katy Perry Panders to the Gays in a Last Ditch Effort of the Day July 23rd, 2024